When you are on the clock to implement a new travel program, you have to get it right—the first time. This was the case with a European media company who was looking to streamline their travel program through one Travel Management Company (TMC). At that time, booking with multiple TMCs was time consuming and involved many cumbersome processes. They also had two full-time employees dedicated to arranging travel—leaving the responsibility of booking 700+ travelers in their hands.

Recognizing these issues, the media company released a Request for Proposal (RFP) with two main travel program objectives:

  • Consolidate all travel bookings into one program with one TMC
  • Develop an online booking tool that is easily adoptable by its travelers to book their own travel


They were also on a very tight timeline. Their existing TMC contracts were set to expire in less than a month, and they needed to consolidate into one experienced TMC to provide an effective and synchronized travel program for their travelers. That’s when they chose us—American Express Global Business Travel (GBT)—to do the job.

A tight turnaround time to implement a travel program demands an experienced team with the capacity to deliver flawlessly. To do this, we established a results-driven team consisting of the right resources to execute the implementation of the new travel program.

With extensive collaboration, a detailed and comprehensive project plan, and the commitment to reaching milestones on a tight timeline, we were able to execute a consolidated travel program with better control over air/hotel volume and spend. Additionally, the media company now has an online booking tool, a functional travel policy, and a tracking system—all while meeting tight deadline requirements.

With our dedicated resources, we were able to provide superior documentation, focus the project meetings with actionable outcomes, and developed timelines and deadlines that were met.

“Our aim is to deliver a best-in-class travel management program through which all travelers book their own travel – and online is a big part of this change,” said the media company’s project manager. “We believe that this will provide improved service consistency and better cost control, all with the knowledge that we are being supported by American Express GBT, who understands our business and is able to provide our travelers with assistance 24 hours a day, no matter where they are in the world.”

Timing was short, but not the outcomes:

  • 80%¹ online adoption rate in nine months
  • Eliminated the need for booking through two full-time employees¹
  • Consolidated into one travel program in less than a month¹

¹Source: American Express Global Business Travel reporting

  • INDUSTRY: Multimedia
  • TRAVELERS: 700+



  • Multiple travel programs
  • Cumbersome processes
  •  High-touch travel booking process



  •  Consolidated into one travel program
  •  Implemented online booking tool
  • Created a succinct, functional travel policy



  • 80%¹ online adoption rate in nine months
  • Eliminated the need for booking through two full-time employees¹
  • Consolidated into one travel program in less than a month¹


“We believe that this will provide improved service consistency and better cost control, all with the knowledge that we are being supported by American Express GBT.” –Media company’s project manager