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Savings on every type of business travel

Because of our global presence and well-established industry relationships, we can provide negotiated rates for corporate travel on everything from airfare to charter buses. No matter the destination—even an offshore oil rig—we can get your people there for less.


Because of our global footprint, we can secure savings through negotiated rates with carriers everywhere.


Eight major suppliers. Eight major partnerships. We’ve got car rentals covered.

Rail & Ferry

Sometimes you need something different. Either way, it’s in our wheelhouse.

Improved booking practices meant better vendor negotiations, a reduction in travel spend, along with compliance adherence—all leading to improved duty of care.

American Express Global Business Travel (GBT) Client Manager

International Rate Desk

Our experienced travel counsellors use the latest faring techniques, including split tickets and alternative routings, to save our customers an average of 10% per trip. In 2015, we saved our clients over $38 million in travel spend.*

*International Rate Desk Services Client Reporting, Dec YTD 2015

Remote travel

Have travellers that go somewhere off the grid? Worry not. We have experts that can get them anywhere on earth by any means.


Airfare prices are always changing. That’s why we monitor prices automatically and rebook flights if savings become available after booking. We also make sure unused tickets don’t go to waste.

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Remote workforce

The toughest jobs are in the toughest places to get to. It’s not uncommon for a resource employee’s travel to include multiple legs, multiple vehicles and an immense amount of logistical complexity. That’s why our Energy, Resource, Mining and Marine (ERMM) specialty division exists.

For over 100 years, our global travel network and footprint, integrated systems and leveraged savings have been put to use by our experienced ERMM team to make complex business travel simple for some of the world’s largest oil, gas, mining and resource companies. Whether by helicopter, charter, boat, wilderness transport or all of the above, we can get your workers there—no matter where there is.