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One-time cardless payments,
powered by Conferma™

Control spending, increase payment security and take the work out of T&E reconciliation. Gone are the days of travellers carrying (or losing) plastic. Using advanced technology, virtual card numbers are issued digitally – within seconds – for single uses within specific time windows.

No surprises

Cap your travellers’ budgets and limit booking options for individual expenses.

Limited exposure

Safeguard against T&E abuse and reduce the amount of data you transfer with every online payment transaction.

Insights and easy reconciliation

Reduce manual effort through automation and easily gain insights into valuable travel spend data.

They wanted control, automation, simple reconciliation, compliance, efficiency and they wanted it to be compatible with Windows™ - powered mobile devices. Our technology was able to provide this.

Simon Barker, CEO of Conferma Read the case study

*Products shown are subject to availability in your country